Experience the Experiment with the Author! So many of you who have read the book have wanted more. You’ve taken notes, you’ve got questions and have things to say.  Why not host a live Zoom video call with your bookclub or with others that you know have read the book? Camille will answer questions and offer a deeper discussion around the book’s main themes.  Explore with more attention your own transformation while sharing the insights gleamed from your reading. If you’re wanting to more fully integrate your own experience of the journey this is for you. If you’ve finished the book and asked, “What’s next?” this is it!
Reach out to Camille at ThisAwakeningSpirit@gmail.com.

Need the book? Click here.

Already a part of book club? Camille has special book pricing for those who would like to bring “The Confusion Experiment” to their book club. Contact me and I will be in touch.